Thursday, 8 January 2015

Photo a Day 8

This is one of the water supply tanks for White Rock, another one to the north must be 60 foot tall and I'd have to stand in the traffic on North Bluff Road dodging speeding cars to fit it in the viewfinder. They're easy to spot on the way by and a couple of months ago, I had to search around them for clues to a multi-cache. Some of the information was on dedicated benches and the rest were gathered from the paintings on the tank. Needless to say, the geocache was hidden in a park not far away.
Most of the information on the tank relates to the invention of Thomas Crapper and the upgrades to its operation over the years. However, it is a little disconcerting to have the domestic water supply decorated with pictures of toilets and accessories as though that is the primary use of the water system.
Three other nuggets of information I learned googling on the net. One, the water supply for White Rock, most of South Surrey and the Semiahmoo First Nation comes from six wells in the area and not from the north shore mountains. Two, the water is delivered to homes without any treatment except for this well at Merklin which has limited chlorination. Three, the City does not own the water system as it was sold to a private corporation - EPCOR - in 2005


Unknown said...

I like your remark about crappers. Is there fluoride in the water?

barrydjd said...

Afraid not!